Telemedicine improves healthcare over rural areas

Telemedicine improves healthcare over rural areas


New York Times reports showed that securing an ever-elusive appointment has been troublesome for many US residents as there is always been more patients than doctors.

Gone are those days certainly, for now telemedicine technology brings up a solution – patients can avail any sort of medical aid after inputting their credit card details and symptoms online.

Followed by a click, a specific doctor is assigned to diagnose a patient by either talking to him over via Skype or FaceTime.

UPDATE: The present situation of all healthcare practitioners and healthcare in America are stretched toward maximum capacity in terms of professionalism; here the technology is playing its major role. It intends to save money as well as to eradicate pressure placed on the health care profession.

Telemedicine seems to be quite useful in rural areas as well as in India where people are unable to reach doctors due to demographical factors.

The tech facility is going to benefit patients profoundly as they’d be able to reach a doctor within half an hour time span – and that too from the convenience of their very own residence. Not to mention, it’s a good opportunity for all such people who do not prioritize their health or are reluctant to visit a doctor.

On a related note, many doctors criticize Telemedicine facility as they put forward several *concerns of accurately diagnosing what’s wrong with their patients (with no physical examination).

(*major concerns project obscured colors of rashes)

“In rural areas, or in areas where there aren’t those availabilities, then something like this becomes much more important. There has been a controversy for a while about whether you have to see them, initially in person to establish contact. Now, again, for rural reasons, that would be really difficult to do.” – Infectious Disease at Texas Tech’s chief, Dr. Winn

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