Microsoft Corporation to close Windows chapter

Microsoft Corporation to close Windows chapter


Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) is closing the chapter of Windows at 10, so this will be the last operating system comes from the home of Microsoft. But that’s the half full glass story. Microsoft further said that windows 10 will be updated on regular basis in near future.

This announcement was made by Microsoft development executive, Jerry Nixon, in a speech during Ignite conference held in Chicago this week.

His comments were echoed by Microsoft which said it would update Windows in future in an “ongoing manner”.

The software giant declared that in spite of introducing new versions of windows the current impending windows would be updated when required.

“Windows will be delivered as a service bringing new innovations and updates in an ongoing manner,” it said, adding that it expected there to be a “long future” for Windows.

According to the Microsoft it hadn’t decide the fate of Windows OS yet.

“There will be no Windows 11,” warned Steve Kleynhans, a research vice-president at analyst firm Gartner who monitors Microsoft.

He further elaborated that Microsoft instead of picking up the name “Windows 9” chose Windows 10 as its future OS name for PCs and Windows phones which reflects a break with a past as previously all the versions of windows were available in ordered-sequence with one replacing other in sequence like windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1.

He added further, that strategy seems to be not working for Microsoft as well as for its customers.

“Every three years or so Microsoft would sit down and create ‘the next great OS’,” he said.

“The developers would be locked away and out would pop a product based on what the world wanted three years ago.”

Other factors which might possibly ended the Windows lineup is the cost which Microsoft had spent for the marketing of every new version of windows before its launch and satisfying people that the new version was better than the previous one, he deduced from the thorough study.

Most of the Microsoft Windows revenue is driven by sales of new PCs and this was unlikely to be affected by the change, Mr Kleynhans pointed out. In other words Windows 10 OS demands mostly depends upon PCs sales.

“Overall this is a positive step, but it does have some risks,” he said.

“Microsoft will have to work hard to keep generating updates and new features, he said, adding that questions still remained about how corporate customers would adapt to the change and how Microsoft would provide support.

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