Microsoft Corporation finds a new way to compete with Android phones and...

Microsoft Corporation finds a new way to compete with Android phones and iOS-based phones


Microsoft found a new way for improving its apps portfolio by giving a new life to its online app store with induction of apps used on Android and iOS devices in an attempt to lure customers to its windows devices.

The strategy seems to be workable for the software giant. Let’s see how much it will benefit the world’s leading software company, a company that controls the personal computer market but failed to make a mark in tablets and phones business, in part due to lack of apps.

Due to few users of windows phones, on an account of fewer and unrealistic apps compared to Android or Apple phones, developers will be reluctant to build apps for windows phones so Microsoft have no choice but to find alternative.

Sourcing apps from Android and iOS stores for its phones and tablets could be attractable deal as android and iOS apps are very popular all over the world.

“Microsoft is making a major play to win back developers,” said Forrester analyst Michael Facemire. “They’ve opened up the once-impenetrable castle walls.”

Microsoft Executive Vice President Terry Myerson on Wednesday at Microsoft’s developer conference in San Francisco said that developers will be able to use code that turn android apps into windows-supportable versions, which allow the apps to run via platform of windows phones running a special subsystem.

After decoding the apps will be transformed into Windows-compatible apps and accessible through Microsoft online app store. In windows phones the apps would automatically be supported on Microsoft services such as Bing maps, instead of Google’s services, as on Android phones.

Myerson also declared that Microsoft’s developer software will be supported on Objective C, the main programming language used by Apple. Thus removing the barrier that halts between Windows apps and iOS apps allows iOS developers to create Windows apps.

Both Google and Apple declined to comment on this matter.

Microsoft procured Nokia’s Mobile division last year which was sinking at that time. Microsoft tried its best to uplift this business but all in vain. Nokia has only 3 percent share in global market. By contrast, Samsung pioneered the market controlling 81 percent of the market share through Android phones and Apple on the other hand grabbed 15% of the market share, based on Strategy Analytics data.

Microsoft already announced it impending Windows 10 to launch this summer. According to Microsoft, it is targeting one billion devices to run on Windows 10 OS by 2018. The edge will be provided by search engine Microsoft Edge, which according to Microsoft would provide serious competition to other competitors. Let’s see will Microsoft flourish or won’t with this new innovation.

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I am a lecturer at the University of Economics in Bratislava, department of Banking and International Finance. I have a Ph.D. academic degree, my dissertation was focused on major markets. Commodities and stock markets are also the main focus of my research and publication activities. I have approximately 10 years of investing experiences. My investments mostly focus on small- to mid-cap companies of energy sector, financial and technology.