For all McDonald’s lovers

For all McDonald’s lovers


McDonald’s, which is rolling out table service to all 1,250 restaurants in the UK, hopes customers will be wooed by the promise of avoiding queues, comfy seats in a dedicated zone and waiting staff in aprons laden.

The junk food giant has been losing all its customers’ loyalty for many months, however as per recent news, it has found some positive responses – McDonald’s executive Andy Shaw (head of McDonald’s service solutions in the UK) experienced a radical change on customers:

“They think the service is more comfortable, less stressful and actually faster. We see it as a different level of hospitality. In month of August, raining, kids off to school and families looking for a treat.”

This is how customers had responded when were inquired about how their experience went with the meal and service.

Steve Mitchell, 57 years, an account manager from Shrewsbury who ordered his lunch through the new *system, stated:

“I really enjoyed the experience. I’d ordered a chilly chicken meal and it arrived in five minutes. No waiting in a queue of people, it was great. I’ll definitely do it again.”

(*customers tap their order into a touchpad, pay for it by card, then go to a table and await delivery by a member of staff)

“Sometimes you have to wait for ages in a McDonald’s, but this seems to have cut the queues down.” – barman, Lee Cunningham

Jenny Wilson, 39 years, a school attendance officer who has brought two of her children, said:

“It’s still only McDonald’s, but it’s nice to have the food brought to you.”

INSIGHT: Other reports also revealed that McDonald’s employees rated their jobs lowest in a poll of restaurant and pub workers released by Glassdoor. Amid the major complaints laid forth by them were low pay, poor management and long shifts.