Facebook tests a Tinder-like function, Twitter brings night mode to desktop

Facebook tests a Tinder-like function, Twitter brings night mode to desktop


Facebook is testing a new system that will serve to arrange dating among social network users, a bit like Tinder does.

The biggest difference of this functionality is that, unlike Tinder, only people who are part of your Facebook friends list and not complete strangers will appear.

The social network will start by presenting a variety of friends in Messenger who may be interested in a meeting, “proposals” to which the user can respond with a “Yes” or a “No thank you”. If both have said yes, you will be notified that both are interested.

The future option has already been tested by several people, who compared it explicitly with Tinder.

FB spokesperson said that people are constantly using Facebook to tag something with their friends and we’re running a little test in the app to make this process easier.

This functionality will therefore have its positive and negative side. On the one hand the list of candidates is much smaller, but it may happen that only your closest friends say yes and for that, just send a simple message.

The company did not confirm whether this functionality will in fact reach the market nor did it provide any date related to the matter in question.

After being confirmed that they were working on the introduction of night mode in the desktop version, Twitter users knew that it would be a matter of time until functionality becomes available everywhere. Well, that’s exactly what the company did, and from now on, the night mode is coming to every corner of the world.

What this mode does is change the whole light and white aspect of Twitter to darker colors so as not to tire people’s eyes so much and in some cases to save battery. This feature was already available in mobile applications but only now has come to the desktop version.

To activate night mode, all you have to do is go to the menu on the right, in the small circle with the user’s image, and choose Night Mode to see everything darker on the social network.

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