Google’s manufacturing as Google Auto

Google’s manufacturing as Google Auto


A self-driving plan has been managed by Google very mysteriously. The reports have so far revealed the entire project to be known as Google Auto LLC.

INSIGHT: In year 2011, a subsidiary was created when Google was replacing its self-driving Priuses with Lenux SUVs.

Google Auto has been listed as Google’s official manufacturer in 23 autonomous Lenux cars – also the ones who had been included in latest publicized accidents. Earlier the project service was utilized by Google to apply for each car’s vehicle’s identification number (i.e. VIN).

Google presumably could have helped protect itself from risk, if by running the whole self-driving project through a subsidiary. Moreover, Google Auto would have assumed the liability instead of Google, and Google’s financial assets would have been protected, had lawsuits been filed over the recent accidents.

UPDATE: Cuter self-driving cars: they’re rear-wheel drive, and are powered by a 20-30kW electric motor – based on the paperwork that Google Auto filed with the NHTSA.

Its self-driving cars were tested by Google publically on roads in 2015 but that LLC’s existence did not make Tech giant’s intentions/objectives more clear in terms of commercialization.

The cars are still being into testing despite of being run on into hundreds of thousands of test miles logged. We could relate it with “Google Auto” car that picks you up to go to work.

Not to mention, Google Auto LLC is headed by Chris Urmson, project lead for Google’s self-driving cars. Urmson has been on a charm offensive with the world’s biggest automobile manufacturers.

At the North American International Auto Show in January 2015, Urmson announced talks with General Motors, Ford, Toyota, Daimler and Volkswagen. In March, he told USA Today:

“Making cars is really hard, and the car companies are quite good at it. So, in my mind, the solution is to find a partnership.”

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I cover technology, utilities and biotechnology for Markets Morning, and I help out occasionally with other industry sectors. I've written about investment and personal finance topics for more than 20 years from a lowly copywriter to editor-in-chief, so I've done a little bit of everything. For what it's worth, I have a BA from Duke University and an MBA from Rollins College. I'm married with one daughter, and that's worth more than everything else put together.